Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Dena and I spent the day yesterday in Oklahoma City at the Oklahoma City Memorial / Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building. It was a sobering day; I will admit that I was unable to hold back tears. This was my second visit to the memorial, first being in 1999, this being Dena's first. Before this day domestic terrorism was not a common household word. We have all been changed due to the cowardly acts.

We took literally hundreds of pictures this day.  I will share more of the more common photos later. What I wanted to do was show my thoughts, feelings, as I walked around the memorial. All the pictures of words or statements are from the memorial itself as well as all the pictures. I am purposely not captioning the photos, use your interpretation. All I ask is that you take a moment and remember we have been changed as a society; we have nothing to fall back on but each other. The acts committed that day did not break us, did not destroy us.......

My roaming has taken a different road......


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