Tuesday, July 17, 2012

A few various pictures of my time here in Barrow, Alaska.  I'm trying to catch up on my pictures, my stories, my adventures.  Until then...enjoy the pictures.

Roaming around the town...... 

Bearded Seal, I thought how fitting..I can relate to this as have hauled several deer on trailers and trucks.

Bearded Seal being butchered, the little girls were proud of the harvest and wanted to be in the picture.  The Bearded Seal Skin is used in the boat coverings for the Bowhead Whale Hunt.  I have not had the honor of trying seal meat yet, but I know I will.

Bearded Seal being butchered,

Lion's Mane Jellyfish or Moon Jellyfish, I am not 100% certain of the type as there have been two diff types washing up on the beach. 

Jellyfish on beach

Lion's Mane Jellyfish or Moon Jellyfish, I am not 100% certain of the type as there have been two diff types washing up on the beach.

Dena at the famous Barrow Whale Bone Arch.  Not to be confused with the Golden Arches, no Big Macs in Barrow...no fast food or chain places in Barrow.

This is what the moon looks like in Barrow Alaska at Midnight.

The Sun at Midnight, the Beach, a Sea Gull, the Arctic Ocean  (Yea, Yea, Yea...I know it is just a Gull, but I have my reasons for adding the Sea part to Sea Gull)

Kids Enjoying a warm summer day in Barrow, Alaska

Caribou, mmmm, yummy Caribou

This little dog thought he was 10 foot tall.

Dena and I with the Arctic Ocean in the background

Fog rolling in off the Arctic Ocean

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