Monday, July 16, 2012

I know it has been a long time since I have updated my blog.  The purpose of this blog is to share my adventures with those who care to follow.  While my experience here in Alaska has been life changing I have realized that technology is not as important to me as it once was.  I have been gathering the experience of life, truly living life, and that to me is more important than updating a blog every few days.  I will make it a point to do more timely updates as several people have asked for more stories, more pics, and more adventures.  I have a huge back log of things to share, stories to write, and pictures to edit.... keep checking back often as you never know what you will find.

A wonderful day was spent on the Alaskan Tundra south of Barrow.  Three guys enjoying nature and leaving the stress and worries of life behind, for a few hours at least.  It was an approximate 12 mile hike taking about 8 hours.  Yea, we just spent our time taking in the beauty around us.  Relaxing, bonding, sharing the adventure was the goal of the day.  The phrase of the day was “did you hear that?”  The answer was always followed with “I don’t hear a thing” No cars, no other people, no noise pollution to distract your mind from the gift of nature itself.
It was a day that I will never forget, hard to truly put into words, guess you just had to be on the Tundra that day.
Roaming around Northern Alaska for a bit…..

Justin, Scott, Nathan - taking time for ourselves, enjoying a good cigar.

The only thing ahead of us was more Tundra, hundreds of miles in fact.

Bones of the unknown

Natural Gas Pipeline, this is the line that supplies Barrow with Natural Gas.

No idea what type of plant / flower this is, but I thought it was beautiful.

Miles upon hundreds of miles of Tundra.  The pure expanse of the area is amazing.

Snowy Owl

Snowy Owl in flight

This was Justin's picture, edited on camera to only allow the blue to show.  I liked it so much I just had to share it with everyone.

This is actualy two Swans, they didn't let us get too close, and I was lacking zoom on my camera.

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