Friday, June 22, 2012

It’s been several days since I have done an update.  I’ve been busy, busy experiencing life! 
I went out to my back yard again, okay a few miles down a gravel road and a beach to Point Barrow, to hang out with the Polar Bears.  There is something amazing about seeing this beautiful animal in the wild.  I could spend all day out on the Point, just watching, enjoying being in nature and not staring at “nature” in a cage.  I don’t think a huge explanation is needed on what I’m talking about…..
I wish everyone who visits this blog could experience what I have been given the honor of experiencing here in Barrow, Alaska. 
I would write more, and I will later, but for now I must sleep.  I spent all day at another Nalukataq Celebration (see a few posts down for details on the last.)  I’m tired and I am going hiking on the Tundra tomorrow.  This adventure has me extremely excited…  The Alaskan Tundra, the Last Frontier… how could one not be excited!
I’m just roaming around Heaven on Earth…………..

The "bone pile" this is where the remains of the seasons Bowhead Whales go, the Polar Bears love the tasty leftovers. You may notice a barb wire fence around the pile.  This is NOT to keep the bears out, it is used to collect hair samples for DNA study.  I was told that 190 diff. bears were identified here last year using DNA.


Must Get Dry

Taunting me, sticking her tongue out like that.

Those are Polar Bear Tracks on the beach.

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