Monday, May 21, 2012

Below is a few pictures of some of the tools of the whaling crews.  They use snow machines (snow mobiles to the rest of the world) to haul items on and off the ice.  The two boats pictures below were both towed by snow machines.

The harpoon inside the boat in the bottom pic is used to quickly kill the whale.  There is (from how it was explained to me) an exploding harpoon.  Once the whale is struck (with harpoon) it explodes, killing the whale quickly.

Hope you are enjoying the adventure with me....... I am going to Roam Around work....

Whaling crew coming off the ice.

Modern boat next to traditional seal skin boat.

Traditional seal skin boat, used for whaling.

Seal Skin boat, note the harpoon "whale bomb" as it was explined to me the whale is harpooned and the harpoon containes an explosive device.  This kills the whale quickly and avoids multiple strikes.

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