Sunday, May 20, 2012

I was delayed in my update, due to work.  This is pictures from my hike on Thur night.  Yes, I said night as I started my hike about 9pm.  Remember, it is light 24 hours a day here now. 

On the subject of constant is HARD to get used to.  There is no sense of time, no sense of morning or night.  I've only been here 7 days and I hope it gets easier on my senses.  I have to constantly keep checking my watch / phone for the time and even the date.

I have tons more to say and more stories to type, but I have to work tonight.  For now, enjoy the pictures.

The Roaming has just begun.........

Standing on the beach at the edge of Barrow looking out onto the  Chukchi Sea (Artic Ocean)

The raised are on the horizon was my destination, remember, this is a frozen ocean.

Birds on the ice, note the snow machine track in bottom of pic

More birds zoomed in this time

Looking south towards Barrow

Sun shining through the clouds at 10pm at night.

Bright sun, and another view of the ice mound I hiked

Another view looking back (south) towards Barrow

ME!, I'm facing west in the photo, you can see land on right side of pic, edge of Barrow.

Caribou carcass dumped out on the ice.  Not sure why they didn't use the hide.  This is NOT a safe area to be due to Polar Bears. 

My tracks looking back at Barrow, Alaska.  Note that I am following a snow machine track.

AHHHH, closer to my destination.  See why I wanted to hike to this location! 

Another view of the mound I hiked, this one is to the left of the picture above.

Same mound as above just farther away, I got the pics out of order.

The sun was just perfect in this shot, well, to me anyway.

It's amazing of how blue the ice is, the pictures just don't bring out the full beauty

Standing on top of the mound looking North, ice as far as you can see

Another view looking more North West onto the  Chukchi Sea (Artic Ocean)

Self portrait...I continue to roam....


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