Tuesday, May 15, 2012

I decided to take a little walk around town today, just a short one as I have to be at the Hospital in the morning.  It was a warm 23 degrees with the sun shining bright.  The locals, some in just hoodies, made me look like I was on an Artic expedition.  Well, Barrow is North of the Artic Circle, and I was exploring something VERY new to me...so in a sense it was MY Artic Expedition.

I walked out onto the frozen Chukchi Sea (Artic Ocean) that borders Barrow to the north.  It was actually exhilarating walking on a frozen sea knowing that water was flowing under me. 

I stopped by the local grocery store on the way back to my accomidations.  I will post some shocking pictures of prices tomorrow.  For now...I need to sleep. 

The roaming continues.....

Barrow, Alaska The Chukchi Sea on the Artic Ocean

Snow Machine tracks leading far out onto the Sea

Barrow, Alaska The Chukchi Sea on the Artic Ocean

Barrow, Alaska The Chukchi Sea on the Artic Ocean

Me standing on the Chukchi Sea

Barrow, Alaska The Chukchi Sea on the Artic Ocean

Seal Skin Boat sitting on the ice awaiting a whale hunt

Another view of the Seal Skin Boat

Barrow, Alaska The Chukchi Sea on the Artic Ocean

Barrow, Alaska The Chukchi Sea on the Artic Ocean

Barrow, Alaska The Chukchi Sea on the Artic Ocean

The temp was COLD, but the smile was real.

1 comment:

  1. I love the pictures! I can't wait to see it in real life. I better getting knitting on a scarf and hat for me. Enjoy the adventure!!!!
