Thursday, May 17, 2012

I stopped by the local grocery the other day, called the AC.  I picked up a few items that I just had to have.  You can pretty much expect to pay double for about anything..other times the prices are out of this world expensive.

Below is just a few items I snapped pictures of as I walked around the store.  I could have taken a picture of every single item just to show the cost mark up due to being so remote. 

BTW, I picked up a 12 pack of Diet Cherry Pepsi for $11.99...and it was ON SALE!

Really enjoyed my first day at the Hospital.  I can't go into too much detail due to the Privacy Laws.  I was supposed to be on orientation and while getting a tour of the Hospital I was called to assist with what was just going to be an IV on a newborn.  Well, 10 hours later I was still with the newborn.  The outcome does look good if you were wondering. 

The Roaming continues......

$17.35 for a gallon of Clorox.  Not going to be cleaning much with bleach.

OH, on sale for $4 each, that's better than the normal $5.45 for a 32oz Gatorade.

Hummus, I will break down and pay $6.29 for the small container...gotta' have my Hummus!

Not much to say other than WOW, just WOW.

BBW anyone? 

They're gr-r-, gonna' cost ya' an arm and a leg!

That is $9.99 per 1 gallon jug of generic bleach.

$33 for 12 - 16oz bottles of Sunny D

Won't be making much Chex Mix at those prices.

We came in for milk and left with a snow machine.  BTW, it was $16,599.


  1. OMG! I can't believe those prices! Do people get paid more up there or are they killing their own food?!

  2. Nathan...I went on an Alaskan cruise last year and LOVED Alaska, as well. However, you are enjoying the REAL Alaska. :) These prices are INSANE!! How does anyone afford to eat? (or clean!)
