Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Some various pics around town.  This isn't the big update, that will come this weekend.  The only hint.... Dangerous and Furry!!

Posing on the Bowhead Whale Skull in front of the Heritage Center.  Left to right: Jeanie, Me, Dr. Taylor, Melonie.

BEACH DAY at the Arctic Ocean!  Jeanie, Me, Melonie

A couple of local kids (Natives) playing in the water.  It was 34 degrees out and they were in shorts playing in the icy water!!

The kids stopping and letting me take a photo.

I thought, hmm, if the local kids can play in the water so can I.  I had to stop and skip a rock, Melonie caught the rock mid skip...awesome shot!

Diane had the great idea of wading out into the water.  Of course I joined in...YES, it was COLD!  However, I am looking forward to the Polar Bear Plunge July 4.

The beach is starting to thaw, muddy and nasty right now, but still has a beauty that can't be matched.

A local standing on the dirt / stand pile looking out across the Arctic Ocean.  The pile is used to stop storm surge from coming into town.

Playground, the Arctic Ocean just to the left of the photo.

I liked the digging machine in the playground.  I didn't want to wait my turn to play on it.


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